2025 NCDA Global Conference Call For Proposals
Autonomy to Change: Evolving and Adapting Career Development in Revolutionary Times
June 18 - 20, 2025
Professional Development Institutes (PDIs), June 17, 2025
Marriott Marquis Hotel
Atlanta, Georgia
Please read the 2025 NCDA Call for Proposal Complete Submission Instructions
NCDA is an NBCC Approved Continuing Education Provider. In order for proposals to be eligible for NBCC Continuing Education (CE), the chair or lead presenter must possess a master's degree or doctorate in Mental Health, Counseling, or related field. Please indicate your Education Level and check that your degree is in Mental Health, Counseling, or a related field. Proposals that do not have chairs or lead presenters possessing a master's degree or doctorate in Mental Health, Counseling, or related field will still be considered for approval and selection. You will be requested to select the appropriate Category for the lead presenter as indicated below:
Category I presenters are qualified to present on topics including, but not limited to:
-Theories, principles, and techniques of counseling as applied to work and career
-Career counseling processes and resources, including, but not limited to, those applicable to specific communities and populations
-Career/life planning and decision-making models
-Life-work role transitions, including, but not limited, to, outplacement and retirement counseling
Category II and III presenters may be accepted for topics including:
-Career development program planning, resources, and program evaluation
-Assessment of work place environment for purposes of job placement
-Trends in job search
-Career avocational, educational, occupational, and labor market information, and resources and career information systems
You will be asked to select a category that matches your expertise:
Category I: Holds a graduate degree in mental health field from a regionally accredited educational institution and is qualified by appropriate education, experience, and/or training to present/author the particular subject matter, or author the publication concerning the subject matter.
Category II: Holds a graduate degree from a regionally accredited educational institution directly related to the subject matter presented and be qualified by appropriate education, experience, and/or training to present/author the particular subject matter, or author the publication concerning the subject matter.
Category III: Be qualified by appropriate education, experience, and/or training to present/author the particular subject matter, or author the publication concerning the subject matter.
Helpful Hints: If you copy and paste text from Word or another Word Processing Program the formatting will not copy over. This includes but is not limited to: special characters (@,#,$,%,&), bullets, hard returns, font style, size, etc. To avoid this, please type your answers in Times New Roman as plain font. Please be sure to review your material in Step 2.
*Tip: Save your information in a document so that you have it on file for your records prior to submitting.
1. Title of Presentation (100 characters or less)
2. Goals and Objectives — indicate clear, concise goals and objectives of the presentation (100 words or less).
3. Program Description
A. Abstract - to appear in the conference program (50 words or less) Advertise Appropriately. Please be sure the content of your presentation matches this description.
B. Summary of information, program, service, resource, technique, theory, or research to be presented (up to 250 words).
4. Presentation Chair Contact Information
First Name: | Last Name: |
Title: | |
Organization: | |
Phone: | |
Email: | |
Educational Level: | |
Mental Health or Counseling Related: | |
NBCC Continuing Education Category: | |
5. Additional Presenter(s) Information
Please list all presenter's information in the fields below. |
If they are not listed on this form they will NOT be included in the program book.
Presenter 2
First Name: | Last Name: |
Title: | |
Organization: | |
Email: | |
Educational Level: | |
Mental Health or Counseling Related: | |
Presenter 3
First Name: | Last Name: |
Title: | |
Organization: | |
Email: | |
Educational Level: | |
Mental Health or Counseling Related: | |
Presenter 4
First Name: | Last Name: |
Title: | |
Organization: | |
Email: | |
Educational Level: | |
Mental Health or Counseling Related: | |
Presenter 5
First Name: | Last Name: |
Title: | |
Organization: | |
Email: | |
Educational Level: | |
Mental Health or Counseling Related: | |
Presenter 6
First Name: | Last Name: |
Title: | |
Organization: | |
Email: | |
Educational Level: | |
Mental Health or Counseling Related: | |
Presenter 7
First Name: | Last Name: |
Title: | |
Organization: | |
Email: | |
Educational Level: | |
Mental Health or Counseling Related: | |
Presenter 8
First Name: | Last Name: |
Title: | |
Organization: | |
Email: | |
Educational Level: | |
Mental Health or Counseling Related: | |
Presenter 9
First Name: | Last Name: |
Title: | |
Organization: | |
Email: | |
Educational Level: | |
Mental Health or Counseling Related: | |
Presenter 10
First Name: | Last Name: |
Title: | |
Organization: | |
Email: | |
Educational Level: | |
Mental Health or Counseling Related: | |
Presenter 11
First Name: | Last Name: |
Title: | |
Organization: | |
Email: | |
Educational Level: | |
Mental Health or Counseling Related: | |
6. Program Focus
Choose one of the areas listed below that best describes your program’s audience.
7. Program Type
Yes! I will accept an alternate Program Type.
8. Relevance to Conference Theme (100 words or less):
Autonomy to Change: Evolving and Adapting Career Development in Revolutionary Times
9. Competency Addressed (please select the main competency addressed)
10. Audio Visual Requests
Every meeting room will be equipped with an LCD projector, screen, head table, and electric outlets. Please select additional AV you may need below. Internet will be available to all presenters at no additional cost.
| Flipchart Kit |
| Audio connection for projecting sound from a video or audio clip to meeting attendees. |
I understand that I, and all other presenters, must register for the National Career Development Association’s Global Conference and pay the appropriate conference fee(s) by March 3, 2025.
I understand that I must hold membership in NCDA.
I understand and commit to present the program proposal for which I have submitted.
Should my content include resources which are available for sale, I understand I cannot sell items during a presentation and only in the exhibit hall by the purchase of an exhibit booth am I entitled to sell resources.
I understand and adhere to all of the above and should I not adhere to any portion of this statement NCDA has the right to cancel my program immediately.
Click to Agree to the Above Statement:
How did you hear about the 2025 NCDA Call for Proposals?
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