
Register by 10/1 for Virtual Conference

The 2024 NCDA Virtual Conference Opens July 22

If you missed the the live conference in San Diego, NCDA will be providing a limited number of conference sessions on-demand, beginning July 22, 2024. All keynote sessions were recorded in San Diego and available on the virtual platform. In addition, up to 35 career development content sessions will also be available on the virtual platform. Access to the Virtual Event is available from July 22 through October 31, 2024. Online registration for the virtual conference is open until October 1st:

Click Here for Virtual ONLY Registration!

Virtual ONLY Event Registration Rates

July 22, 2024 - October 31, 2024

  open until October 1
10 CE Hours
Member *
Student/New Professional/Retired *
Non-Member $450

* To receive Member pricing, your membership must be up-to-date.  Please allow 3 days to process new membership applications or renewals.


Ready to add Virtual to Live Registration?

If you participated in the live San Diego conference and now want more career development opportunities, consider a “virtual add-on” for an additional $200. This gives you the opportunity to earn 4 additional CEs and view 30+ career development focused sessions. All sessions are recorded and on-demand for your convenience – including the keynote speakers. Please contact Natalie Scrimsher at nscrimsher@ncda.org if you wish to add the Virtual Conference to your existing conference registration. Access to the virtual conference will be available until October 31, 2024. If you know other professionals who wish to attend the Virtual Conference, please refer them to the conference website to register at the Virtual-Only rate.


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