
Using Gottfredson’s Theory to Prepare the Youth of Today for Global Employment of Tomorrow

By Natasha Barnes-Gwynn

Globalization has substantially changed the job market, which makes incoming youth vulnerable to those changes (United Nations, 2005). New technologies have replaced manual labor, mainly affecting low skilled jobs in the service sector. Many youth may be unable to meet the raised expectations that come with globalization such as intercultural communication skills, effectively managing distractions and interruptions, and coping with isolation from the workplace and coworkers. This deficiency may result in feelings of alienation and strife, which could lead to increased unemployment and crime rates (Globalization WPAY, 2005).

Global Employment Trends Currently

Over the years, the trend toward global employment has continued to rise.  Events have taken place that have caused changes in society and career paths leading to the development of opportunities to address these changes.  For example, one event that changed the world of air transportation in 2001 was the September 11th attacks on the US, which led to a need for significant changes in airport security. To address this need for increased passenger safety, the Transportation Security Administration was created.  This administration led to new career paths that are still viable sources of employment today. 

A more recent event that has had a global impact on employment is the Covid-19 pandemic (Multiplier, 2023). Covid-19 forced employers to look at the organization of work differently, as remote work became the most viable and safe option for many employees. Because of the pandemic, many changes affected the world of work such as:

  • During the pandemic, over 60% of the workforce worked remotely.
  • At present, an estimated 56% of the jobs are compatible with remote work.
  • In longer terms, since 2009 there has been a 155% increase in remote work – this is expected to continue to increase.

The Impact of Current Global Employment Trends on Youth Today

As the number of remote jobs and career paths continue to rise, it is important that career professionals and school counselors are working to equip the youth with what they need to be successful in global employment (Multiplier, 2023). Youth today face many challenges in their career development such as communication issues, the ability to manage interruptions and distractions, coping with social isolation, and exploring career advancement. These challenges could impact their career trajectory as they prepare to move into a global market, especially if not addressed early in their development (Multiplier, 2023).

Understanding Gotfredson’s Theory of Self-Creation, Circumscription, and Compromise

Using Linda Gottfredson's developmental theory of career development, career practitioners can use the concepts of self-creation, circumscription, and compromise to assist youth as they establish their place in the global labor market of their future (Sharf, 2013). According to Gottfredson (2005), genetic and environmental factors have a great impact on vocational interests in youth. These factors affect the process of self-creation, which ultimately lead to the development of niche seeking for youth (Sharf, 2013). Additionally, how youth view themselves plays into the career choices that they eliminate based on fit (circumscription). As youth move through the process of identifying career alternatives that could be a fit, they then begin the process of compromise, where they are able to make decisions based on the accessibility and availability of the career choices for them (Sharf, 2013).

Applying Gotfredson’s Theory to Prepare Youth for Global Employment

By employing Gottfredson's theory, a career practitioner or school counselor can help youth process through who they are, what options they have, and what they think the best career plan for them will be based on the options they have. This will ultimately aid them as they prepare to enter a world of employment globalization.

Early exposure to building skills necessary for global employment will aid with self-creation, circumscription, and compromise in the following ways

  • Communication – career practitioners and school counselors can help youth work to increase their ability to speak different languages and to decrease regional accents; this will aid them as they communicate with people from different cultural backgrounds globally.  Additionally, introducing virtual communication technologies, such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams, to youth early in their career development journey can aid them in bridging the gap in communication.   Telephone and online/email etiquette are also important skills to teach youth as it important for them to understand how to write and speak in a professional manner.
  • Distractions and Interruptions – school counselors and career practitioners can advocate for the provision of opportunities for remote work throughout the week. By leaving the familiar classroom format (e.g., through creating a cubicle style work environment weekly or a mock work from home atmosphere) can help youth understand how to effectively navigate distractions that arise while experiencing the need for multitasking.
  • Career Advancement – youth can be introduced to different career paths with remote options globally, particularly in fields such as  Education, IT, Business, Journalism, and Social Media; By providing an understanding of career paths and trajectories for these careers, school counselors and career practitioners can help youth to avoid early compromising as they have not fully developed all of their interests, values, personality traits, etc. Computer-assisted guidance tools can also be useful in providing students with an opportunity for self-guided career exploration.

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Pulling It All Together

The global employment trend is steadily increasing and if today’s youth are not prepared, it could limit their chances for employment in the future. Career practitioners and school counselors have a responsibility to work with the youth of today to increase their preparedness for the global work world of tomorrow. Providing youth with the skills and knowledge needed to make career decisions related to employment globalization will not only increase their chances for success but will also improve the workforce by creating employable individuals for a variety of career paths.




Gottfredson, L. S. (2005). Applying Gottfredson’s theory of circumscription and compromise in career guidance and counseling. In S. D. Brown & R. W. Lent (Eds.), Career development and counseling: Putting theory and research to work (p. 71–100). John Wiley & Sons Inc.

Multiplier. (2023). A complete guide to global employment. https//www.usemultiplier.com/global-employment

Sharf, R. S. (2013). Applying career development theory to counseling (6th ed.). Brooks/Cole.

United Nations. Globalization WPAY. (2005). https://www.un.org/development/desa/youth/globalization-wpay.html 



Natasha Barnes 2024Dr. Natasha Barnes-Gwynn, NCC, CCC, FCD-I is a co-chair of the Diversity Initiatives and Cultural Inclusion committee, where she also serves on the Informed Practices subcommittee to promote publications related to cultural competence, inclusion, and sensitivity.  She is a clinical faculty member at Southern New Hampshire University, as well as the owner of I.O.U. Consultation – a career consultation practice. She uses her practice to provide professional development workshops to secondary, post-secondary, and business sectors related to career development, cultural competence, wellness, social and emotional learning, and mental health. Email address: i.o.u.consultation@gmail.com

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