++FCD Instructors and Brief Biography

Below is an alphabetical listing of the FCD course instructors. You may use the brief bios below to help you decide which FCD course and instructor matches your needs. Or you can search for an instructor near you here.

Many of the Instructors listed below can offer customized courses. A customized course may be more appropriate to your needs particularly if you are wanting multiple people in an office/organization/university trained at the same time. A customized course allows you to work directly with the instructor to set specific dates and 

  1. Or search Custom Courses to locate instructors who offer customized courses. A customized course may be more appropriate to your needs particularly if you are considering any of the following:
    1. Offering the course to a specific group of individuals such as a staff group
    2. Specific dates you need to complete the course
    3. Specific content that you need to have covered.

Keri Aaver - Consultant, Career Coach, and Corporate Trainer
http://www.careerwiseconsulting.com/fcd keri@careerwiseconsulting.com
Castaic CA
Areas of Expertise: Business & Industry, Educators, General, Higher Education, Workforce Development
Instructor owns CareerWise Consulting, LLC, and is a Workforce Development Consultant, Career Coach and Job Developer Training Specialist with more than 15 years of experience in L.A. County workforce development and Higher Education with an average of 85-95% placement rates and nearly a 100% employee retention. During that time, she served more than 75,000 jobseekers through coaching and training the center staff on effective 1:1 and Group Career Coaching practices. In 2022, she shifted into full-time career coaching and training for job developers and other career services specialists, to help ensure that government, non-profit, and academic career/employment center staff are able to manage their career-life balance while achieving outstanding employment results for their jobseekers through using effective placement strategies and coaching. She is a Gallup certified CliftonStrengths Coach with a distinctly Strengths-Based approach to career development. FCD Course Registration Link: www.careerwiseconsulting.com/fcd
Alicia Acker - Career Services Coordinator

Janesville WI
Areas of Expertise: Business & Industry, Counselors, Educators, General, Higher Education, Military/Veterans, Workforce Development
Alicia has more than six years’ experience providing career coaching and career related services to a wide array of individuals. Alicia serves as the director of the career services department at Blackhawk Technical College in Janesville, WI where she helps students with career exploration, career planning, and the job search process. She will help you enhance your career development skills to help meet your customized needs.
Sheila Addo - Senior Career Advisor

Arlington TX
Dr Michelle D. Aldrich - CTE State Director

Cheyenne WY
Dr. Michelle Aldrich is currently the Wyoming State Director of Career & Technical Education and Perkins Funding. She spent 8 years teaching the family resource management strand at the University of Wyoming as adjunct faculty. She has been teaching nutrition at two Wyoming community colleges over the last 26 years in nutrition and education. Dr. Aldrich was a Family & Consumer Science Teacher at Triumph High School in Cheyenne for 15 years, which is the oldest and largest alternative high school in Wyoming with 250 students in grades 9-12. Dr. Aldrich has won national teaching awards in culinary arts, was named the Wyoming Career and Technical Education Teacher of the Year, and honors that include the 2021 Rising Star Award from Advanced CTE and the 2021 Wyoming Women of Influence in Education.
Mrs Catherine Allen - Assistant Director

Chapel Hill NC
Bret A. Anderson - President
Dr Justin Arnold - Director

Champaign IL
Jessica Ayub LPCC, GCDF, CCSP - Career Counselor & FCD Instructor Registry (CCSP/GCDF)

Duluth MN
Jessica Ayub, MA, LPCC, GCDF, CCSP is a State of Minnesota Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor (LPCC) with a current focus to counseling people with disabilities. Jessica has offered services with the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system for over fourteen years, including since 2020 with Normandale and over five years, she served as a Career Services Director for a two-year college. Jessica has also held roles in mental health and substance abuse treatment, vocational rehabilitation and supported federal, state, and county workforce programs and grants. She has held several leadership positions with NCDA and other career organizations and remains very involved in career development initiatives.
Shannon Baker - Education Consultant

Wake Forest NC
Shannon Baker is an education consultant and Business and Marketing Education instructor in the state of North Carolina. She is a partner of KB Consulting Group, LLC, which specializes in educational and corporate professional development, with a focus on equitable leadership practices. Shannon attained her Bachelors’ and Masters’ Degrees from North Carolina State University in Business and Marketing Education. She is an NCDA Facilitating Career Development Instructor, 2019 completer of the NCDA Facilitating Career Development Master Trainer Program and a True Colors® Facilitator. Her professional affiliations include: Association of Career and Technical Educators (ACTE); Education Policy Fellowship Program (EPFP) Alumni; National Alliance for Partnerships in Equity (NAPE); NCLA CTE Administrators Association. KB Consulting Group LLC delivers the Facilitating Career Development Course in a hybrid format (face-to-face and online instruction).
Yolanda Baker - Career Strategist & Trainer

Alpharetta GA
Mr Steven M. Barber Sr - Assistant Professor of Management

Melbourne FL
Kerri Barnes - Court Administrator

Phoenix AZ
Kerri graduated with her bachelor’s in criminal justice from Northern Arizona University (NAU). After spending several years working in the Arizona Department of Corrections prison system, she began her career in workforce development in 2006 at a local non-profit as a Program Director. She managed multiple grant programs focused on assisting specialized populations. She co-managed a workforce center at the City of Phoenix. She was promoted to manage the Quality Assurance team for the ARIZONA@WORK City of Phoenix Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Program.
Kerri has earned her Master of Organizational Leadership from NAU along with several credentials, including Certified Court Manager, Global Career Development Facilitator Instructor, Certified Career Services Provider, and Certified Workforce Development Professional. She is also certified to teach one of the Institute for Court Management modules in the Certified Court Manager curricula along with several courses in the Arizona Court Supervisor curriculum through the Arizona Supreme Court. Kerri enjoys traveling abroad with her family in her spare time, gaming, and taking Pure Barre classes.
Natasha Barnes-Gwynn - Career Consultant/Counselor

Southaven MS
Ms Emily A. Bennett - Manager of Experiential Learning
http://www.bennettcareerconsulting.com bennettcconsulting@gmail.com
Pittsburgh PA
Emily has 15+ years of experience in career services, training and development, program administration, recruitment, admissions, advising, and human resources. She is currently an instructor at the University of Pittsburgh, as well as the Manager of Experiential Learning in their School of Computing & Information. She is the founder of Bennett Career Consulting, as well as a Career Coach for a global outplacement firm. She was trained in career counseling at Carnegie Mellon University and holds a master’s degree in Higher Education Management, a bachelor’s degree in English, and associate degrees in Business and Accounting. She is a Certified Master of Career Services (CMCS), Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW), Salary Negotiation Facilitator (AAUW), Strong Interest Inventory and MBTI practitioner. She serves as a qualified reviewer of credentialing applications for the National Career Development Association (NCDA), as well as a mentor with the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE). She is always looking to give back to the profession and train current and future career services practitioners.
Dr Eric J. Bergstrom - Assistant Teaching Professor

Lancaster PA
Robert K. Bitting Ph D, L.M.H.C. - Leadership and Organizational Development

Chestertown MD
Michelle M. Bradham-Cousar - Assistant Professor and Consultant

Tampa FL
Mr Lynard L. Broussard - Senior Career Advisor

Angela Brown - Senior Lecturer & NCDA FCD Instructor

Fleetwood NC
A passionate, experienced instructor (online and hybrid) who strives to equip individuals with tools and skills to assist others in their career journey, focusing on the 12 career development competencies and working with a diverse workforce. Strives for excellence and equity. Creates a positive, flexible, collaborative, professional, and global coursework environment. Experience with all ages, including public and education settings (university, community college level, and NC Works Career Center).
Craig D. Bryant CDFi, SCDAi - Career Development

Romeo MI
Terita P. Buchanan - FCD INSTRUCTOR/CCSP

Maywood IL
Jonathan Byers - Director of Career Education

Spokane WA
As the Director of Career Education in the Gonzaga University Office of Career & Professional Development, Jonathan currently leads a team of one part-time staff member, two full-time staff members, a graduate assistant, and 19 undergraduate & graduate student employees. Prior to working at Gonzaga, he served as an Assistant Director in the Office of Career and Professional Development at Virginia Tech. Originally from North Carolina, Jonathan worked as a school counselor in the Chapel Hill-Carrboro School District in North Carolina before working at Virginia Tech. He also manages major career educational events, activities, and programs for Gonzaga Career and Professional Development. In addition to being a certified trainer for the NCDA (National Career Development Association) Facilitating Career Development course, he also holds a GCDF (Global Career Development Facilitator) certification, a CCSP (Certified Career Services Provider) certification, and a MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) Level I certification. Jonathan obtained his Master of Education degree in School Counseling from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He also obtained a Bachelor of Science degree in Physics from the University of North Carolina at Asheville. He has been an active member of the Mountain Pacific Association of College & Employers (MPACE); and he will be joining the MPACE Board of Directors as the Pacific North Regional Director in July 2025. He is enthusiastic about empowering
Ms Marion F. Cannon - Director of Training and Development

Atlanta GA
Paula Church - Career Advisor

Fort Worth TX
Nedrea Clayton

Irving TX
Ms. Nedrea Clayton has over twenty years of experience providing Human Resources, Organizational Development and Career Consulting for organizations in Healthcare, Computer and the Semi-Conductor industries. Ms. Clayton holds certifications as a PHR, SHRM-CP, BCC, GCDF, and CCSP. She is also certified in numerous communication style assessments, including DISC, Emotional Intelligence 2.0 and MBTI. Ms. Clayton received her Master's degree in Human Services from St. Edwards University and her Bachelor's degree in Business from the University of Arizona.
LeeDel Cohenour - Director of Career Services

Aurora CO
I love career development and coaching others in their own career path. My education and experience has concentrated on assisting others in identifying their goals and passion and connecting those to the community and workforce. I have experience working in the career field at a 4-year college, a community college, and a trade school. I've worked with counselors, workforce development personnel, veteran's representatives and students. It's so rewarding to help others find fulfilling career connections.
Christina Collins

Leland NC
Jonathan D. Constable - FCD Instructor / Certified Career Service Provider
Rochester NH
Jonathan Constable is a career development professional and NCDA Facilitating Career Development (FCD) Training Instructor. He has worked with professionals across university settings, including TRIO SSS and McNair, Residential Life, Academic Advising, Academic Departments, Career Advising, and faculty members. Through interactive discussions, hands-on activities, and practical applications, he helps participants integrate career development theories, assessments, and other fundamental career development concepts and skills into their roles, expanding the web of career support for students on campus. Jonathan holds a Master of Education in Higher Education from Northeastern University and is pursuing a Ph.D. in Education at the University of New Hampshire.
Deborah Cooper-Davis - Academic Support Coordinator

Orangeburg SC
Carrie Alease Copelin
Jenna Crabb - Director

Albuquerque NM
Dr. Jenna Crabb has been working in higher education for over 25 years. She started her career at the University of New Mexico as a student. After graduating with her bachelor’s degree in Criminology and English, Jenna worked as a Human Resource Specialist at a residential treatment facility for at-risk youth. Yet, something was missing. She missed the energy and vitality of a university setting. She quickly returned to higher education and found her passion. In 2002, Jenna obtained her master’s degree in Counseling while working in the residence halls. After her MA, she moved over to Career Services as a Career Development Facilitator and within 4 years she became the Director. She earned her GCDF in 2002 and her teaching qualification for the FCD curriculum in 2004. In addition, she earned her doctorate in Counselor Education with an emphasis in Organizational Learning and Instructional Technologies. Currently Jenna is the Executive Director for Student Resources and an adjunct faculty for the Counselor Education program after serving as Director for Career Services for 17 years. She has a strong history of teaching, supervision, leadership, higher education, training and development, strategic planning, and student success initiatives.
Mrs Gwen C. Croskey - Teacher

Sumter SC
LaTasha Dale - College and Career Coach

Little Rock AR
Mark Danaher - Career Coach
http://www.markdanaher.com mark@markdanaher.com
Cheshire CT
Mark Danaher is a Pioneering Force in School Career Development. With over 30 years of experience as a School Career Development Advisor (SCDA), Mark Danaher has established himself as a leader in the field. As a Master Trainer for the National Career Development Association's (NCDA) SCDA program, Mark has played a crucial role in shaping the curriculum and elevating the standards of career development education. Mark has held various positions throughout his career, including Career &
Dabs Davis

Greenwood SC
Dabs Davis attended Clemson University as a Communications major. She received her Masters in Health Care Administration from the University of Phoenix. Dabs began her career in health care, specializing in non-clinical operations. She spent 10 years in sales, management, quality improvement, event planning, and marketing. She worked in both private and corporate sectors, giving her a depth of experience in the health care sector. After having children, she switched gears to the education industry, offering her more time with her family. She began her education career at Laurens District 55 where she served as the Work-Based Learning Coordinator and Career Specialist, winning the South Carolina Career Specialist of the year, 2021. Four years into her journey, she accepted a regional role as the Upper Savannah Regional Career Specialist, where she is still currently serving. She continues to stay current with health care by instructing adjunct courses for Piedmont Technical College.
Ms Edna Davoudi

Agoura Hills CA
Hanna DeBruhl - Academic Advisor

Hartsville SC
Rebecca M. Dedmond - Professor Emeritus
http://www.freshmantransititon.org rdedmond@gwu.edu
Boerne TX
Rebecca’s contributions to the career counseling profession launched when she co-founded a Foundation to promote business, education and community partnerships. Under her presidency of the the National Consortium of State Career Guidance Supervisors, the Planning for Life Career Planner was developed in cooperation with the US Army Recruiting Command and USA Newspapers, and disseminated to all 50 states. Working as consultant to the World Bank she established career centres at the three Universities in Ghana, West Africa. For five years she was School to Work Director for the Territory of the Virgin Islands. She has been lead presenter for the annual Freshman Transition Initiative (FTI) model and standards that she founded in 2005 (www.freshmantransition.com).A recognized Fellow by the NDDA, she also received awards for service and legislation, and NCDA Eminent Career Award, 2023. She trains SCDAs in Ghana, the US, Jamaica, face to face and virtual.Rdedmond@gwu.edu. 804-928-5890
Caron Delancy - Director, Operation Counselor

Plantation FL
Rebecca Dhanarine - Regional Career Specialist

Anderson SC
Gwendolyn L. Dixon-Coe - CEO and Senior Consultant

Patricia Doherty - Workforce Development Consultant

Tressa Dorsey - President
Tim Eannarino - Learning and Development Specialist II

Vancouver WA
Mary Ellen Earnhardt
Clancy MT
Ms. Earnhardt has been a public educator in K-12, a college counselor, taught college classes in career development, the Director of 21st CCLC Educational program for the MT Dept. of ED and the Director of the Career Lab for the state of MT Dept. of Labor. She put together a team which worked with the state Dept of ED & the Dept. of Labor to design a MT's Personalized K-12 Career program. She has been involved with the ACTE programs for the state of MT & assisted with training and work development for the MT Career Coaches. She has had experience with diverse cultures and was instrumental in bringing the F1 in schools’ program to MT. This STEM competition assisted the Harlem students in being the First Native American Team to make it to the World competition. F1 formula is one of the Largest STEM competitions in the world. She brought the NASA program to MT, sending a group of rural students from Hot Springs, MT to Ireland, where they presented their research at the NASA Global Conference. Ms. Earnhardt has been awarded two of the Global awards—"Out Standing Career Practitioner" and the "Ken Hoyt Outstanding Career Educator Award.” She is on the Montana Technology Student Association (TSA) Board and is nationally recognized as a Career Certified Career Services Provider and Certified School Career Development Advisor. Her experience working with workforce development and academic systems brings a unique understanding of how both systems can work together.
Malka P. Edelman
http://www.comprehensivecareerplanning.com malka.edelman@gmail.com
Long Beach NY
Passionate to help build the professional futures of the next generation of NCDA FCD Instructors and NCDA CCSPs. 35 years in higher education/career services; 12 years of extensive training experience globally: Asia, Africa, Gulf Region, Europe, Central and South America; 23 years of teaching Career Development course in graduate schools to students to preparing to be School Counselors and Mental Health Counselors; 35 years working with students with disabilities.
Mary Edwin - Career Counselor and Coach
Dr. Pamela I. Ehlers - Director Emerita, OSU Career Services

Stillwater OK
Judith Ettinger - Project Director
Madison WI
Judy has been teaching the FCD class through the Counseling Psychology Department at the University of Wisconsin-Madison for 30 years. She received her Master's and Ph.D. in Counseling from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and has been an active member of NCDA for decades. She was the author of three chapters in the FCD Curriculum.
Kathy Evans - Professor Emerita

Cayce SC
Patricia A. Ferguson - Workforce Advisor
Summerville SC
Patricia Ferguson, Ph.D. is a soft skills facilitator, Certified Workforce Development Professional, Certified Professional Coach, SCDA Instructor as well as a Career Development Facilitator and Instructor. Patricia has fostered strategic collaborations between education and industry through events such as educator and industry days, student career conferences, and workforce symposiums. Patricia facilitated the redesign of an online career resource with a 9700% increase in user engagement.
Nortangela Fields

Arlington TX
Amanda G. Flora
https://www.mygoodcareer.com/ agflora@gmail.com
Waynesboro VA
Dr. Flora received her Ph.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision from UVA in 2008 and has returned there as an Assistant Professor. She has taught Masters-level career courses at traditional and online universities and has created additional career and professional development courses. With a background in community counseling and experience working with opportunity youth, she transferred her passions to career counseling as a doctoral student realizing how career impacts every individual and career goals foster hope and motivation. In addition to teaching, Dr. Flora has worked as a career development consultant with business students, individual clients, and local schools and agencies.
Dr. Flora has received numerous acknowledgements for approachable, inclusive teaching style and has contributed to NCDA and the Virginia Career Development Association (VCDA) in various roles.
Colleen Francis - Transition Readiness Program Coordinator

Swansboro NC
Kristen Garceau - Career Development Facilitator Consultant

Paw Paw MI
I have facilitated the Career Development Facilitator training course for the National Career Development Association since 2010. I am also known for practical approaches to career development working with workforce development clients, business partners, educators and K-16 students. I have discovered many ways to help all clients understand the career-development process and the employer’s perspective. My projects have included extensive development of career resources and materials for clients at Capital Area Michigan Works!, and a UAW/General Motors Partnership. Working to understand how to teach the process of self and option awareness linked with decision making and setting goals, I have coordinated career programming with educational organizations including Kalamazoo Regional Educational Service Agency, Genesee Intermediate School District, the Ingham Intermediate School District. I am a Certified Career Services Provider. I have been an instructor at Kalamazoo Valley Community College teaching Career Decisions, First Year Experience and College Success Strategies courses, I hold a Masters Degree in Educational Leadership with a focus on Curriculum and Instruction.
Cynthia Garrett - Lecturer

Clarksville TN
Amanda A. Gerrie - Consultant and Coach
Meg Gerry - FCD Training Instructor | Master Trainer | Career Coach
https://academicandcareeradvisingservices.com/ meg@academicandcareeradvisingservices.com
Kennebunkport ME
REGISTER for FCD Training with Meg Here: https://form.jotform.com/201784495841060
Read over 80 Reviews of Meg's FCD Training Here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/meg-gerry-academic-career-advising/
Meg offers a wealth of experience from a successful private practice, to working in career services in higher ed, to a history of working in H.R.
Meg also co-hosted a  podcast called “All Things College & Career” which won an award for top Career Podcast in 2021.
Meg is a member of the Adjunct Faculty at the University of Maryland Global Campus where she instructs courses in Career Planning Management and Program and Career Exploration. Meg was also an adjunct faculty member at the University of New England and where she instructed a course inCitizenship. 
Meg is also a keynote speaker and has been featured on highly ranked podcasts such as Mac Prichard’s Find Your Dream Job where she spoke on “Narrowing Your Career Choices” or clarifying career goals.
Meg has trained hundreds in higher ed across the U.S. and beyond that work in career services and in academic advising.
Prior to entering career services, Meg worked in health care management/ H.R.
Meg welcomes the opportunity to work with anyone interested in becoming an exceptional career services provider, expanding their knowledge of career development, successful job seeking strategies, and career services,including higher ed, private practice, counselors, work force development, business, etc.
Jackie Gill - Faculty Counselor

Riverview FL
Sharon L. Givens - Career Counselor
http://Visionscounselingandcareer.com sgivens62@gmail.com
Columbia SC
Dr. Sharon Givens is a multifaceted professional, serving as a researcher, licensed psychotherapist, career counselor, professional trainer, and academician. She is the CEO and Director of Visions Counseling and Career Center, LLC (VCCC), a leading private practice in Charlotte, NC, and Columbia, SC, that offers career counseling, coaching, mental health counseling, and psychological testing. Additionally, Sharon is the sole proprietor of Training Visions, an international firm specializing in customized training in career development, diversity, and mentoring.
As a Master Trainer with the National Career Development Association, Sharon is renowned for her work on global and domestic projects. She has developed training curricula and facilitated programs for Fortune 500 companies, government agencies, school districts, and higher education institutions in Singapore, West Africa, Saudi Arabia, and across the United States. Sharon has also served on the NCDA Board of Directors, including a term as President from 2021-2022 and the Trustee for Private Practice, Business/Industry & Agencies constituency. She was also the chairperson of the NCDA's Training and Education Council. During her tenure, she contributed significantly to the Facilitating Career Development program and other NCDA initiatives.
Sharon's contribution to the career development field began with the creation of college and career readiness centers in rural public schools. She expanded her work which led to her role as a counselor educator, teaching career development courses to pre-service counselors. Today, she continues to provide career development support to higher education institutions, corporations and individual clients.
Ms Karen E. Gutman

Farmington Hills MI
Karen Gutman served as the Director of Business and Career Services at JVS Human Services (now Gesher Human Services), a nonprofit dedicated to helping people realize their life's potential. She joined JVS in 2009 as an Employment Specialist, following a mid-life career change as a result of the career counseling she received as a client of JVS. Karen obtained her GCDF credential from Oakland University and obtained her Business Solutions Professional credential from Michigan State University, School of Labor and Industrial Relations. Karen has a BA in Political Science from the University of Michigan and completed graduate courses in Business Management from the University of Michigan as well. She served as a teaching fellow in the College of Literature, Science and Arts. She has owned and operated two successful businesses, and also served as Vice President of Client Services and New Product implementation for a Michigan based life insurance company. Her love of working with job seekers and businesses to help both achieve their talent goals led her to become a Facilitating Career Development Instructor in 2018. She continues to teach FCD classes for Gesher Human Services and other organizations as contracted. Over 180 students have successfully completed her class. Contact Karen at FCDGutman@GesherMI.org or 248.891.7484
Cindy L. Haeck - NCC, CCC, FCD-I
Celeste J. Hall

Williamsburg VA
Mrs Tonya R. Hall - College and Career Navigator

Summerville SC
Jamie D. Hamil - Career Counselor

Durant OK
Debbie Hardy - Dean of Students

Jonesboro AR
Ms La Taschya R. T. Harris - Owner

Melyssa Harrison
http://www.fasttrackcdf.com Melyssa@FastTrackCDF.com
Taylors SC
Empowering and Equipping Successful Professionals | Forerunners of Fast Track Career & Workforce Development Training | Melyssa Harrison is one of two course instructors for Harrison & Associates East offering hands-on real-life applications needed for career success. She is enthusiastic about collaborating with others in their career advancement. Utilizing over 25 years of effective efficient career development experience, our students are fully equipped with the necessary tools to facilitate their customers’ career pathway. She established the only Young Adult Services Career Center in the state, becoming the pilot for successful engaging youth career services. Her team became one of the state’s most productive in increasing job placements and earning credentials within its first year of operation. During her tenure the youth training program met and/or exceeded its annual performance each year. Melyssa also holds the GCDFI and the CWDP credentials. Experience the difference and earn your certifications with real world experiences, techniques, networking, and results proven strategies. Come experience the difference…
Julie M. Hau - Researcher, Career Coach & Medical Coach

Fond du Lac WI
Gloria L. Hess - Principal

Oak Park IL
Kathleen E. High - Education and Career Counselor
Andrew D. Hill - Counselor

Fort Worth TX
Jessica L. Hill - Organizational Development Manager

High Point NC
Rosemarie Howard

Washington DC
Ms Ronda Isaacs - Assistant Director of Student Success & Advising

Hurst TX
Ronda Isaacs has always enjoyed helping others discover their why! She enjoys helping people explore their natural talents and incorporating them into a career as that results in a fulfillment money can't buy. With a bachelor's in counseling services for the Deaf and a master's in vocational rehabilitation counseling, she has had a focus on Career Development for her entire career. She has worked in Higher Ed since 2008 and insists that working with students keeps her young. She enjoys Hallmark movies and True Crime, spending time with her family/friends and is a dog-mom to two adorable Shih Tzu's.
Ms Karen K. Ivy Martin - Director, Career Services

San Antonio TX
Karen (Ivy) Martin, Director of Career Services at Texas A&M University-San Antonio, has served in this position since May 2018. She has almost 20 years in the field of Career Services with focuses on professional development for students, faculty, and staff that bolster career growth and advancement. She is a member of the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), Southern Association of Colleges and Employers (SoACE), and locally, South Texas Association of Career Champions (STACC). She currently volunteers as Past Chair of the Administrative Leaders Knowledge Group and serves on the Professional Development Committee within the Student Success and Engagement Division at A&M-SA. Karen is a Past-President of SACUCCA, is a certified Professional Etiquette Trainer, and has earned her Global Career Development Facilitator and Instructor Certification through NCDA. She also has served for several years as a Steering Committee member of the San Antonio Hispanic Chamber of Commerce’s Briseno Leadership Development Program. She is also co-chair of the A&M Career Services Directors Community of Practice, which focused on coordinating efficient efforts towards serving all of the A&M system students and stakeholders in the work done by Career Services as well as sharing best practices at this level.
Sara Jay - Associate Director for Career Pathways and Education

Gainesville FL
Sara has over a decade of experience in career services, leadership, and learning and development. She currently is an Associate Director at the University of Florida's nationally ranked Career Connections Center where she also teaches the NCDA Facilitating Career Development course to faculty and staff on campus. She co-owns a private career consulting business, Career Productions, and is a Certified Master of Career Services who focuses on helping individuals identify their strengths, value-add, and interests. She is energized and motivated by working with individuals to articulate their potential and confidently achieve their career goals. Engaging in dynamic conversations with fellow career development professionals to share insights and nurture their evolution into exemplary practitioners is a passion of Sara's. This FCD course is customized.
Carolyn D. Jones - President/CEO
http://www.jonescareerservices.com cdjconsulting.llc.12@gmail.com
Parkland FL
Carolyn D. Jones is the Past- President of the National Career Development Association (NCDA). She is the President/CEO of CDJ Consulting, LLC. She assists her clients in her private practice with career development strategies and life management. As an FCD Instructor she consistently requires her students to gain competencies as required by the curriculum. She also offers advice and guidance for the professional development of her students as career development practitioners. Carolyn holds a Master’s degree in Educational Psychology, is an adept MBTI practitioner and has earned the NCDA Certified Master of Career Services (CMCS) and Certified Career Services Provider (CCSP) credentials. She also holds New York State Permanent Teacher Certification. And she has an extensive professional background as a Career Center Executive Director responsible for career development services and experiential education programs.
Mrs Franceska Jones - CEO| Principal Consultant
http://www.thejonesconsultingfirm.com fjones@thejonesconsultingfirm.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/franceskajones/
University Heights OH
Dr. Franceska C. Jones is a committed lifelong educator and dynamic business owner who continuously fosters growth and a passion for learning. She holds a Doctor of Education in Higher Education Leadership from Morgan State University and a Master of Arts in Nonprofit Administration from John Carroll University. She earned her B.S. in Business Administration from The Ohio State University.
As the President and Principal Consultant of Jones Consulting Firm LLC, Dr. Jones specializes in enhancing the growth and sustainability of cities by supporting education, nonprofits, and professional training. With over a decade of experience in career development, she has excelled in various roles, including Program Director for TRIO Student Support Services, Career Coordinator for students with disabilities, Career Success Course Instructor at multiple local colleges and universities, and Career and Internship Fair Coordinator for numerous colleges and nonprofit organizations. Dr. Jones is renowned for her expertise in consulting organizations on career development curricula and program design. She is also a published author and researcher, with works focusing on alumni giving behaviors, higher education, first-generation college students, and college readiness and retention programs. Dr. Jones's dedication to career development and her extensive experience make her a sought-after instructor and consultant in the field.
Lisa Kelley

Lisa Kelley has an extensive training background in leadership and management development. For the last fourteen years, she has worked in the vocational rehabilitation field as part of the Arkansas Division of Workforce Services.
Edward L. King Sr - Senior Career Advisor

Fort Worth TX
Linda L. Kobylarz - Director, Honors Program (Retired)

Burlington CT
Cindy Lemcke - Learning & Development Specialist 2

Mrs Sharadora Leslie-Sisco - Program Coordinator/Facilitator

Woolwich NJ
Aaron Leson

Battle Creek MI
Aaron Leson is a relentless advocate for employee engagement, career development, and empowering others through training and education. In his current role as the Director of Training and Development for TAD Grants, an organization that provides organizational training, leadership development, technical assistance coaching, program evaluation, and strategic planning services to workforce and career development practitioners, Aaron travels internationally to facilitate training and presentations designed to transform the lives of those he teaches by highlighting the importance of authentic communication and strong relationships in our day-to-day work. An engaging and dynamic speaker, Aaron builds genuine relationships with each one of his trainees, helping them to uncover their gifts, grow into their best selves, and improve the lives of those they serve. Aaron’s belief in the power of career development to change lives shines through in each presentation he delivers, in every class he teaches, and in his day-to-day work in the communities of Southwest Michigan, USA, where he resides with his family. Aaron has also served as the Director of Credentialing for the National Career Development Association, an organization that provides professional development, publications, standards, and advocacy to practitioners and educators who inspire and prepare individuals to achieve their career and life goals. His appointment to this key position followed over a decade of involvement
Travis W. Lightsey Jr. - Director

Midwest City OK
Travis Lightsey Jr. is a dedicated higher education professional with over 15 years of expertise in career development, strategic program design, academic advising, career and life coaching, curriculum development, and classroom instruction. Currently serving as the Director of the Career Development Center at Rose State College, Travis leads initiatives to empower students and alumni in achieving their professional and personal goals. Travis earned a Bachelor of Arts in Art from Oklahoma Baptist University in 2008 and a Master of Science in Organizational Leadership from Cameron University in 2017. His commitment to fostering academic and professional success is further exemplified by his previous role as Director of the Major & Career Exploration Center at the University of Oklahoma. There, he focused on academic major exploration, career coaching, and advising for prospective, current, and graduate students. During his tenure, Travis received multiple accolades, including the Provost’s Outstanding Academic Advising Administrator Award, the Black Excellence Outstanding Staff Award, and the Gateway to College Learning Outstanding Instructor Award. As a first-generation college graduate, Travis is deeply passionate about guiding others to discover their purpose, set realistic goals, and develop self-awareness as a foundation for success. Beyond his professional role, he serves as President, Executive Committee Chair, and Governance Chair of the Pioneer Library System.
Ms Yangyang Liu - Assistant Professor

Fresno CA
Walter R. Lodes Jr. - Director of Apprenticeship & Training
Grand Rapids MI
Whitney Long - Senior Career Advisor

Fort Worth TX
Katie Lynch - Learning & Development Specialist - Programs & Systems Train

Salem OR
Sheri F. Mahaney - Owner

Ithaca NY
As a social worker and career counselor with 25 years in higher education career services, I am passionate about training career development professionals to become masters of their craft through a better alignment of their strengths and natural talents with their coaching style. Throughout my career, I have always looked for opportunities to provide mentorship and professional development opportunities to my colleagues. Currently, as a private practitioner, my customized, small group FCD courses focus on helping students learn how to incorporate practical career theory applications and best practices into the way they naturally coach.
Heather N. Maietta - Career Coach
https://careerinprogress.com/ heather@careerinprogress.com
Westford MA
Dr. Heather N. Maietta is the author of the highly anticipated NCDA monograph for career coaches: Career Coaching: Fundamental, Applications, and Future Directions, which can be found in the NCDA resource store. An award-winning career coach, educator, researcher, and author who has helped thousands of practitioners and career professionals rethink how they deliver career and professional development support. Dr. Maietta founded Career In Progress over 20 years ago to advance the field of career development and literacy. She is a Professor in the Doctorate of Higher Education Leadership Program at Regis College. Career Highlights include numerous credentials, NCDA Leadership Academy Graduate, and NCDA's Outstanding Career Practitioner Award. Dr. Maietta is currently working on research examining the social, academic, and the career impact of transfer due to college closure (forced transfer); career development needs of first-generation doctoral students; and generative AI and skills development. Dr. Maietta is a Board Certified Coach and a National Association of Colleges and Employers Coaching Faculty member.
Julia P. Makela - Senior Director

Mahomet IL
Lorna A. Manglona-Alexander - Licensed Professional Counselor
Summerville SC
Dr. Lorna Manglona-Alexander is a licensed professional counselor who values working with individuals moving in a positive direction. Lorna has years of experience working with diverse populations to includes students in higher education and K-12; individuals with disabilities; and justice served individuals. Dr. Manglona-Alexander holds national certifications as a National Certified Counselor, Certified Rehabilitation Counselor, Master Addictions Counselor, Clinically Certified Forensic Counselor, Clinically Certified Domestic Violence Counselor, and a Global Career Development Facilitator Instructor. Her education includes a bachelor’s in Business Administration; Master of Business Administration; Master of Rehabilitation Counseling, and Doctorate of Education. Her experience includes working as a Career Specialist in K-12; Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, Program Manager in higher education, adjunct counseling professor, and in private practice as a licensed professional counselor. In each capacity, she has experience in career/vocational assessments, functional assessments, job placement, job readiness training, and mental health counseling. As a Global Career Development Facilitator, Dr. Manglona-Alexander understands the significance of using career development strategies intersect with the individual’s well-being and personal development.
Sophie M. Manigo Fuller - College and Career Navigator/Test Admin., GCDF

Greenville SC
Amber L. Manning-Ouellette - Assistant Professor
http://education.okstate.edu/hesa/faculty.html amber.manning-ouellette@okstate.edu
Stillwater OK
Amber Manning-Ouellette, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor of higher education and student affairs at Oklahoma State University. She also holds the Anderson, Farris, and Halligan Endowed Professorship for College Student Development. Dr. Manning-Ouellette has over 15 years of experience in higher education which includes working as a student affairs administrator for over 8 years in functional areas such as first year experience, faculty development, advising, retention programs, and career development. She has taught career decision-making courses, led leadership and career development learning communities, and coordinated career development efforts in advising and undergraduate programs. She is a Certified Career Counselor (CCC), a facilitating career development (FCD) instructor, and FCD master trainer. Dr. Manning-Ouellette does consulting through Dr. AMO Consulting, LLC and A & P Career Consulting.
Cindy Mason - FCD Instructor

Nashville AR
Lakeisha M. Mathews - Director
Columbia MD
Dr. Lakeisha Mathews is a former president of the National Career Development Association and Certified Facilitating Career Development Instructor. She holds several industry certifications including the CCSP, CPRW, CPCC and has over 20 years of experience in Higher Education. Dr. Mathews is a global leader in career development and has trained practitioners across the US, in Europe, Canada, and Asia. Her interactive and inspirational approach to training trainers has reached career practitioners in K-12, Higher Education, Private Practice, and Workforce Development. Dr. Mathews is also a Certified Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging Specialist with expertise in serving diverse populations, multi-cultural competence training. She is committed to uncovering and eliminating hiring bias in the job search process.
Paige McDonough - Senior Director of Career Development

Houston TEX

Betty E. McWillie - CCC. LPC
http://MCWILLIECAREERDIRECTIONS.COM mcwilliecdirects@gmail.com
Memphis TN
Consulting Experience
Betty has over 31 years of consulting experience as owner of McWillie Career Directions, a private practice offering career counseling, coaching, and employee outplacement services. In addition to providing career counseling/coaching and job search assistance to individual clients, she has facilitated group seminars providing job search techniques, career development and outplacement processes for a variety of national and international companies. She is consistently rated Excellent in program design and one-on-one counseling by all levels of employees at various corporations, hospitals and agencies.
Business/Organizational Leadership Experience
As Career Center Director at Christian Brothers University in Memphis, Tennessee, Betty consistently attained a placement rate of 87% - 92% for traditional and non-traditional students over a 28-year period from 1984 to 2012. While working as a Career Coach for the University of Phoenix/Apollo Education Group, Betty has attained an 82% completion rate of all students and alumni for the UOPX Career Coaching Program in the State of Tennessee. She is rated Excellent in 99% of client evaluations for distanced career coaching, receiving the highest rate of return among UOPX career coaches’ client evaluations.
Gailia Mercer-Brown - Assistant Director of School Counseling Services

Summerville SC
Mrs Marcela Mesa Guerrero - GCDF

Doral FL
Marygail Michalski - Career Counselor-Vocational Evaluator

Willoughby Hills OH
Jillian Miles Massey - Talent Management Consultant
Mrs Carey Miller - Senior Career Advisor

Hurst TX
Cynthia L. Miller - Assistant Professor

Lubbock TX
Dr. Cindy L. Miller is an experienced educator and administrator with a strong background in career development and planning. With over three decades of experience in secondary and postsecondary education, she has dedicated her career to preparing students for success in the workforce through innovative curriculum design, industry partnerships, and advocacy for career and technical education (CTE).
Dr. Miller’s expertise spans career advising, workforce readiness, and professional development. As a former Career and Technical Education Administrator for 14 years, she played a pivotal role in expanding work-based learning opportunities, establishing employer-education partnerships, and ensuring that career pathways aligned with industry demands. In her current role as an Assistant Professor in Family and Consumer Sciences Education at Texas Tech University, she continues to develop future educators and professionals by integrating career development principles into her teaching and research.
A passionate advocate for career pathways, Dr. Miller has worked extensively with educators, policymakers, and industry leaders to enhance career exploration initiatives. She has led efforts in training professionals on effective career counseling strategies, integrating career development into educational programs, and equipping students with the skills necessary for lifelong career success.
David T. Mills Jr. - Operations and Policy Analyst

Coos Bay OR
Monica Miranda - Coordinator

Fort Worth TX
Rhonda L. Mize - Job Placement Coordinator

Springer OK
Ahmed Mostafa

Springfield Gardens NY
Jennifer L. Murdock Bishop - Professor
Marie Nicks, MSEd, CCSP, GCDFI - Career Services Coach | FCD Instructor
Mr Garrett B. Nilsson - Employer Relations/Career Counselor

Idaho Falls ID
Alison Noonan - Senior Assistant Director for Career Engagement

Gainesville FL
Rhonda L. Norman - Associate Professor, Department Chair
Cincinnati OH
Lisa M Owens - Career Coach & Advisor
Joseph D. Parent - HR Specialist and Volunteer Career Counselor

Riverview FL
Jennifer Parks-Tigert - Manager of Career, Counseling, and Disability Services

Green Bay WI
Condoa Parrent - Director of Student Success and Advising

Hurst TX
Danielle R. Patchin - Executive Director of Student Development

Dalzell SC
Mr Erik F. Pavesic - Assistant Director of Career Advising & Training

Cambridge MA
Erik has been guiding students, clients, and individuals along their unique career journeys since 2014 when he started as a Career Advisor at SNHU. Now, as the Assistant Director of Career Advising & Training at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Erik brings his playful and creative talents to developing and inspiring professionals throughout the field. In addition to his CCSP and GCDF, Erik holds certifications as a Gallup-Certified Strengths Coach, an MBTI (Step 2) practitioner, an EQi-2.0/EQ 360 facilitator, and is a LEGO Serious Play facilitator. Erik holds an MS in Organizational Psychology from the University of Hartford, and a BA in Psychology from Northeastern Illinois University.
Jim Peacock - Retired
https://peak-careers.com jimpeacock@peak-careers.com
Vassalboro ME
Jim is the Principal of Peak-Careers Consulting offering the FCD class since 2001, online seminars, and F2F workshops for career professionals. For over 11 years he was Director of the Advising & Career Center at a community college, over a decade as a high school counselor, and since February 2012 has been full time with Peak-Careers. He is a Certified Career Services Provider (CCSP and NCDA FCD Instructor. A two-time President of Maine Career Development Association. In 2007, he received the Outstanding Career Practitioner Award from NCDA. Jim has a Masters Degree in Education, College Student Services Administration from Oregon State University. He is the author of A Field Guide for Career Practitioners: Helping Your Clients Create Their Next Move and the recipient of the 2020 Kenneth C. Hoyt Award from National Career Development Association. Jim also serves on the NCDA Board of Directors as Trustee-at-Large, 2022-2025.
Jennifer Pepple - Employee Recruiting and Training Coordinator

Casper WY
Dwayne Peterson - Higher Ed Director | Career Devt. Facilitator
dpeterson809@gmail.com http://www.linkedin.com/in/dpeterson809
Bradenton FL
I am a nationally recognized career educator with 15 years in college/university career services, having served in career development leadership roles at multiple universities. I hold masters degrees in business/HR (MBA) as well as college student development/education (MS). I've held the Global Career Development Facilitator (GCDF) credential since 2013. My experience is in designing career development training programs specifically for college career and academic advisors, employer relations staff, college/university faculty, and business/industry/HR/recruiting professionals, with a specialty interest in how to support the unique career development needs of college students/graduates that hold broad or liberal arts related degrees.
Eddna Pham - Senior Career Advisor

Arlington TX
Amy Pierce Danders - Career+Life Strategist
Jennifer J. Pollard-Winczewski - Consultant

Richmond MN
Timothy Poynton - Associate Professor

Clinton MA
Dr. Tim Poynton has more than two decades of experience as a school counselor educator and researcher focused on postsecondary planning with high school students and young adults. He is an approved instructor for the National Career Development Association’s (NCDA) Facilitating Career Development and School Career Development Advisor training programs, is a co-author of the College UnMazed workbook and school-based curriculum and has delivered more than 100 conference presentations and professional development seminars across the United States. His experience in K-12, Higher Education, and as a military veteran make him particularly well-suited to providing training to service providers who work with clients in those settings. He collaborates with TAD Grants to provide SCDA training.
Diandra J. Prescod - Associate Professor

Bloomfield CT
Constance J. Pritchard - Owner
http://pritchardgroup.com constancejpritchard@outlook.com http://drconstancejpritchard
Ocean City NJ
Dr. Pritchard has worked with healthcare, education, manufacturing, law enforcement, banking, and government, presenting seminars and workshops on coaching, career development, workforce development, and business topics. Dr. Pritchard has delivered career training internationally (Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, Peru, Micro Asia, China, Russia, Uganda, Israel, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Vietnam, Malaysia, and Japan) and nearly every state in the US. Previously, she directed a university career center. Dr. Pritchard is currently chair of NCDA's Master Trainer Workshop Committee, NCDA's Credentialing Commission and the Commission's International Taskforce. The Credentialing Commission has developed and launched 5 new credentials in 2017. She is Previously, she was the Contributing Editor for NCDA's Career Developments magazine and served for 6 years on NCDA's Facilitating Career Development (CSP) Advisory Council. Recently, she authored the chapter on career assessment in business for the 7th edition of NCDA's Guide to Career Assessment. Dr. Pritchard's NCDA Facilitating Career Development training is focused on each learner and the learner's needs. Her online course includes extra resources for every topic and additional topics for learner use. The site contains 100s of additional resources, and all are available for a client's use, both during and after completing the course. Individuals set their own timeline for completion thus providing flexibility for each learner. Credit cards and checks are accepted for payment. Courses are customized for organizations and learners. Current Leadership Roles Chair, NCDA Credentialing Committee NCDA Master Trainer, Instructor, Fellow Treasurer, Middle Atlantic Career Counseling Association Committee Chair, Asia Pacific Career Development Association.
Craig Ratzlaff - Instructor/Career Counselor

David M. Reile - Career Counselor/Coach

Ooltewah TN
LaChish J. Rigg - Instructor

Boynton Beach FL
LaChish J. Rigg is the owner of LJR Training & Coaching, a private practice based in South Florida offering the Facilitating Career Development (FCD) training course along with career coaching services. LaChish has over 15 years of experience in higher education, including experience providing career and academic advising services to diverse populations. She also has experience as a college instructor and workshop presenter. She teaches college and career readiness courses and has presented workshops on resume writing, networking, interview skills, and job fair professionalism. She served as President of the New Jersey Career Development Association. Her educational background includes graduate studies in counseling, education, and business.
Mrs Lynsey Rittenbach - Career Advisor

Fargo ND
Danielle Roessle - LCSW, GCDFI, CCSP
http://www.innercompasscoach.com danielle@innercompasscoach.com
Bethesda MD
After Danielle Menditch Roessle, LCSW, GCDFI, CCSP, earned her Master of Social Work from the University of Denver in 2007, she found the most useful space for applying her understanding of psychology was in career development and business coaching. She created The Inner Compass Process, a holistic program that uses childhood memories to help individuals identify the behavioral patterns that allow them to thrive, breakthrough the patterns that are holding them back, and identify best-fit career and business opportunities based on their self-discovery. Danielle is the author of the book, The Inner Compass Process: Using Childhood Memories to Guide Your Career Change, and has presented her one-of-a-kind approach for career transition in published articles that appear in Career Convergence Magazine, SkillScan, SharpHeels, The List, the Glendale Cherry Creek Chronicle, and the Coloradoan.
Patricia R. Rogers - MA, Certified GFCDI Instructor, CCSP, Certified Life Coach
Dr Shawn Ryan - Director of Orientation and New Student Programs

Chico CA
Bessie L. Sanders-Gordon - Instructor / Trainer

Dalzell SC
Anne Scholl-Fiedler - Director, Career & Academic Planning Services

Frederick MD
Anne Scholl-Fiedler is a current Instructor for the Facilitating Career Development curriculum in Maryland. She has trained college advising staff, as well as middle and high school career coaches for the Maryland Blueprint. Anne has an extensive background in career services and is also an instructor for the Dependable Strengths Facilitator trainings. In addition, she has experience in workforce development and is a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor in the state of Maryland. FCD trainings are in person.
Amy P. Schroeder - Education Consultant, Career Development and Work-based Lear

Wake Forest NC
Rob Seemann - FCD Master Trainer

Tigard OR
MaryAnn Sewell - VP, Strategic Business Development & Career Services

Sanford FL
MaryAnn Sewell is a workforce development professional with over 22 years of higher education and training design experience. Serving for five years as Vice President of Strategic Business Development and Career Services for NUC University Florida Technical College and DAVE School, she is involved in serving the community and employers by providing the best skilled and talented graduates of top in-demand programs. Her team is composed of multi-lingual of multi-cultures to strengthen the customer service of a diverse group of students and graduates all over Florida. Promoting programs to the minority groups, Ms. Sewell is active in the Asian American, Hispanic, and African American Chambers of Commerce and lead projects in minority mentoring, women in trades initiatives, and career exploration academies for at-risk population. She is an Advisory Board member of Central Florida Employment Council and Executive Board Secretary of Florida Career Development Association. Ms. Sewell received her M.A. in Human Resource Development at Webster University, B.A. in Corporate Communications at College of Charleston, and is a candidate for EdD. in Applied Learning Sciences. She is a Certified Global Career Development Facilitator Instructor for over 16 years.
Kaye K. Shaw

Batesburg SC
Kiesha R. Shelton - Coordinator of Special Services

Fort Worth TX
Taylor Simmons - Career & Talent Management Consultant

Decatur AL
Taylor Simmons is a Career and Talent Management Consultant with experience in career development, human resources and workforce development. She has experience working with companies and communities interested in developing a diverse, thriving workforce. In addition, she has experience working one-on-one and in groups with individuals in transitions including high school students and their families, graduating college students, and individuals pursuing career changes. Taylor's mission statement centers around her desire to help others. It reads: I will strive daily to present the best version of myself to clients, family, friends and others. I will work to empower others and help them in their journey to lead better lives. Taylor enjoys helping individuals discover their talents, passions and values. By doing this, she helps them grow in careers they love with organizations that are exactly the right fit. Taylor graduated from Athens State University, cum laude, with a bachelor’s degree in business management with a concentration in Human Resources. She is a certified Professional in Human Resources (PHR), a Society of Human Resources Certified Professional (SHRM-CP), a Certified Career Services Provider (CCSP), Global Career Development Facilitator (GCDF) and Instructor and a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW). Taylor serves on various boards in her community. She enjoys being involved in her community and is committed to innovation and positive change.
Marie C. Smith - Educator / Career Coach / Trainer
https://www.mariesmith.org/ MarieSmith@MarieSmith.ORG
Mount Pleasant WI
Dr. Marie Smith is a business owner, professional trainer, academic researcher and university instructor. She has extensive experience with career development, instructional technology, professional development and continuing education. She specializes in teaching and mentoring career practitioners, educators and entrepreneurs. She is innovative and resourceful. She will help you enhance your skills so you can support the career development of others.
Linda Sollars - MA, CMCS, GCDFi
http://www.creatingpurpose.com creatingpurpose@gmail.com
Golden CO
As President of Creating Purpose, LLC, a career coaching and consulting firm for the past 18 years in Golden, Colorado, Linda provides career development expertise to organizations and individuals, specifically focused on transition, change management, multiple generations in the workforce and Encore Careers. She held senior leadership positions with several Fortune 100 Companies and worked as Training Director for her local Workforce Center before transitioning full-time into her career consulting business 16 years ago. Linda has been a featured career development panelist on CBS, Channel 4 and on ABC, Channel 9, both in Denver, Colorado. Her career development workshops and keynotes extend to government, non-profit and private business regionally and nationally. Linda holds two Master degrees, in Adult Development and Creative Writing, and has been an Affiliate Professor at Regis University in Denver, Colorado. She also carries the Global Career Development Facilitator (GCDF) Instructor credential and the Certified Master of Career Services (CMCS) credential. She offers online Facilitating Career Development (FCD) courses for private career practitioners, workforce & employment professionals, college advisors and career center staff, Human Resource professionals, recruiting and outplacement professionals, non-profit professionals, and other professionals. She is the recipient of the Rich Feller Award for outstanding career development practitioners in Colorado.
Kristen Starcher

Rock Hill SC
I have worked in both education and the business sector. I am currently a career counselor at Rock Hill High School, and I also own my own company, www.c3instruction.com, where I offer the GCDF/CCSP course to professionals; I also provide college and career counseling through classes and one-on-ones to high school students. I have presented at local and National conferences on my career program in the school district.
Jennifer Steed - Coordinator of Career Services

Hurst TX
Simone Stewart - Career Consultant
Mrs Anne C. Stone - Education Associate
https://fcadulted.f1s.org/ anne.stone@fsd1.org
Florence SC
Anne Stone serves as an Education Associate in the Career Development Office's Adult Education Division at the SC Department of Education, where she supports College and Career Navigators across the state. Before serving in this role, Anne was a College and Career Navigator for Florence One Adult Education. She holds a bachelor's degree from Furman University and a master's degree in Counselor Education (school and community endorsements) from Wake Forest University. In addition to holding a GCDF credential, she is a Certified Career Counselor.
Barbara Suddarth - Executive Director
Ollie I. Taylor - career counselor/CCSP/GCDF
Decatur IL
Mrs Pamela Taylor - Consultant

Nashville NC
Mrs Adriana Thomas - Advisor

Vancouver WA
Adriana Thomas holds a Bachelor of Arts in Education from Seattle Pacific University and a Master of Science degree in Educational Counseling and Student Development from Central Connecticut State University. She is a Certified Career Services Provider (CCSP), Global Career Development Instructor (GCDFI), and Certified Life Purpose Coach (Dharma Coaching Institute). She has been in the field of education for over 20 years and has vast expertise in teaching, coaching, and curriculum design. Adriana currently works as an academic advisor, internship coordinator, and instructor of career preparation at Washington State University. She weaves career development into her work with undergraduate students as they explore internship opportunities and future career paths. She also enjoys presenting at conferences for professional organizations and supporting colleagues in their professional development journeys. Adriana also has a private practice, Lunar Northwest, where she provides life purpose coaching services to clients, guiding them to find careers that are aligned with their dreams and goals. She is the author of Align your Energy and Find Your Vibrancy: A Crystal Infused Guided Journal for Healing Your Mind, Body, and Spirit. Adriana is excited to spread career development knowledge to practitioners who work with clients as they find meaningful work.
Mrs Linda D. Thomas - Career Readiness Coordinator, GCDFI

Florence SC
Phyllis Utley

Asheville NC
Ms Cynthia Varner - Chief Mission Officer

Nashville TN
Mrs Kristin Vinson-Wright - Coordinator of Career Services

Fort Worth TX
Sabira Vohra - Founder/Sr Career Consultant, Career Infusion
Janet E. Wall - Founder and CEO

Arlington VA
Janet E. Wall, EdD, CCSP, NCDA Fellow has worked at the federal, state, and school district levels in the areas of assessment, evaluation, and career development. Her work has spanned the public and private sectors from the Pre-K level through executive development. She is Past President of the Association for Assessment in Counseling and Education (AACE) and has been an officer in the Association for Counselors and Educators in Government and the Maryland Career Development Association. She represented the American Counseling Association (ACA) to the Joint Committee on Testing Practices. She represented AACE and National Career Development Association as co-chair of the committee that developed the Career Counselor Assessment and Evaluation Competencies. She is an active member of the NCDA Technology Committee and NCDA AI Task Force. She is a trainer, distance educator, conference presenter, and author of many and books. She led the development of the Department of Defense’s ASVAB Career Exploration Program and ACT’s DISCOVER. She is co-author of the Ability Explorer, an assessment that identifies a person’s top abilities and matches them to careers.
Her current passion is creating Career Planning Academy https://careerplanningacademy.com, an award winning program that provides NCDA-approved online courses, certifications, and webinars for career development professionals. She also has taught the Facilitating Career Development program multiple times.
Gina Watts - Author, Coach, Trainer, and Speaker

Columbus OH
Ellen Weaver Paquette - CEO and Principal, Developpe, LLC
http://www.careerconsultingconcepts.com CareersbyEllen@gmail.com http://www.linkedin.com/in/ellenweaverpaquette
Claremont NH
Ellen Weaver Paquette, NCC, CSSP, NCDA Fellow and FCD Master Trainer has taught career development to graduate students in counseling for 34 years while teaching the FCD credential to those in agencies, government, business and education in the United States and abroad. She has taught in Egypt, Turkey, Qatar, UAE, Kuwait, Singapore and most recently Saudi Arabia. She has been recognized for her contributions to NCDA in two prestigious awards, has served on the NCDA FCD original Advisory Council and on the NCDA Board of Directors. Ellen is known for her depth of knowledge and practice, her humor, mentoring of students and perspective within the career development field. She holds two advanced degrees in counseling psychology from Rhode Island College and has lengthy experience in higher education administration. Ellen has presented at state, regional, national conferences in the United States and Canada on topics such as career genograms, using supervision in career counseling and social media.
Monieca West - Federal Programs Director

Little Rock AR
Melissa Wheeler

Aldie VA
Mrs Betina D. Wildhaber - Career Advisor

Chico CA
Mrs Sherry Williams - FCD Instructor

Lexington SC
Sherry has provided targeted direct services to students and adults for more than 40 years working in state government, the private sector, K-12 education, and higher education. Jobs within her career have included abuse investigator for vulnerable adults, Director of Social Work and Community Relations for SCDDSN, career counselor for Piedmont Technical College, career specialist for PTC and Lexington School Districts 1 and 2, Coordinator of Career Services for Lexington 1, and an instructor of the CCE GCDF curriculum and the NCDA FCD and SCDA curriculums. She is a subject matter expert of the Education and Economic Development Act of 2005 which propelled career development in the state of South Carolina, placing career specialists in all public middle and high schools. She retired as the Coordinator for Leadership Curriculum and Partnerships for a school district of 33,000 students and supervised the career specialists who ensure all students receive career awareness, exploration, and guidance services and are career and college-ready.
Tracy D. Williams - Coordinator of Career Services

Charise Wilson - Founder/Managing Director, MS, GCDF, CCSP, CPRW, CDI
http://www.wfrsllc.com charise@wfrsllc.com
Woonsocket RI
Charise is the CEO/Founder of Workforce Ready Solutions, LLC a 100% woman-owned, minority-owned certified HR and employment solutions firm in Northern Rhode Island. Businesses hire us to educate and motivate their teams and to offer easy-to-implement human resource and training solutions to inspire and retain employees. We are leaders with over two decades of experience in delivering interactive customized training curriculum. We aim to consistently deliver exceptional high-touch services that meet and exceed our clients’ expectations and provide diversified educational support that fosters a culture of lifelong learning.
We understand that internal employee upskilling is crucial for businesses’ long-term growth. Our firm provides “in-demand” solutions that lead to increased employee engagement, meet workplace competency requirements, build confidence, and strengthen overall employee retention and satisfaction through human resource consulting, direct placement recruitment, executive coaching, resume writing, comprehensive assessments, and other training and educational programming. Charise holds a Master of Science in Human Resource Management. She is an experienced Adjunct Instructor and a certified DISC practitioner profoundly committed to volunteerism, helping entrepreneurs, and community advocacy.
Clifton Strengths Top 5: WOO, Communication, Positivity, Activator, Arranger; DISC Assessment: The Influencer (ID)
Windie Wilson - Human Resource Director

Knoxville TN
Sharon Worley

Aiken SC
Mr Bryan Wortmann - Director CoachU, Lead Facilitator

Cleveland OH
Hyung Joon Yoon - Associate Professor

Port Matilda PA
Tricia K. Zelaya-Leon - Assistant Dean, Center for Career and Professional Success
Victor Zimchek

Ellensburg WA